Our Impact

We are a global network of companies that transform the world using improvisation, through our unique ability to foster collaboration, inspiration, gratitude and fun. These values enrich the lives of individuals, families, friends, and organizations alike.


Collaboration, Inspiration, Gratitude and Fun

Collaboration - working together makes us stronger.
Inspiration - working together pushes us to be better.
Gratitude - working together helps us appreciate life more.
Fun - working together is fun!

Championships & Regionals

Every year, CSz Worldwide brings ComedySportz Teams from around the world for a ComedySportz World Championship. A competitive tournament, training, and exchange of artistic, marketing, and organizational ideas.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

It’s important that those in the CSz organization are a representation of those that live in cities which CSz Companies reside. Focus is put on ensuring all voices are heard, lifted, supported while providing a space that welcomes everybody.